Why Western Men Fall for Israeli Brides?
It’s a well-known fact that Israel is one of the smallest and yet one of the most advanced countries not only in the Middle East but also in the world. So, no surprise that Israeli mail order brides are not exactly a commodity — not only because the population of this country is relatively small, but also because Israeli women feel quite comfortable at home and do not rush to leave it for another country.
This, however, makes sexy Israeli women even more desirable — especially for a man who had the pleasure of coming across these amazing women. But what makes them so special and what can a single Western gentleman do to persuade his potential match to move across the globe and leave the Promised Land to become his wife? Let’s find out below.
What makes Israeli women so unique?
The first question any man looking for a bride will ask is “Are Israeli women good wives?” The answer is YES, and here are just some of the reasons why:
Israeli girls are smart and independent
Let’s face it — these women are tough, but not in the manner we’re used to in the West. First of all, most hot Israeli women have an excellent education and impressive careers. Next, military service is obligatory for all Israeli citizens, girls included. The war never really ends in this country, which explains why the state trains every citizen to be of service should the need arise. So, these beautiful girls have great control over their minds and their bodies.
Israeli brides are excellent homemakers

If by now you imagine some unstoppable killing machine with a gun, think again. A beautiful Israeli woman is more than a soldier — she is, in fact, an excellent homemaker. We know little about Middle East cuisine, expect falafel and shawarma, but it does have a lot of delicacies to offer. The best Israeli brides know their way around the kitchen and will gladly prepare mouth-drooling meat, fish, beans, and plenty of other dishes you won’t know how to pronounce, but will gratefully swallow in seconds.
Israelis are more spiritual than they are religious
Another thing that may be bothering you is the kosher diet. So, will you have to forget about pork should you marry an Israeli mail order bride? No one will give a definite answer to that as it all depends on the girl you marry, but most Israelis are more spiritual than they are devoted. Yes, most likely, pork will not be the main thing on your menu — mostly because your beautiful bride will have little experience with it. Still, it is very unlikely that you will be forced to eat ‘kosher’ for the rest of your life. Devoted families keep close together in this country, so your pretty lady will most likely be of more ‘worldly’ nature.
Israeli women are amazing mothers
Now, we move to a truly important part for any men who want to have a stable nuclear family — the kids. Hot Israeli brides eventually become amazing mothers, even though their educational practices may surprise you. Most Israelis never punish their children until the age of six; more than that, some kids may come off spoiled because there are practically no restrictions up till this age. Mothers there believe that you teach responsibility later when the child can grasp this concept. Before that, a kid gets all the love and freedom he can get. But of course, if you have a different opinion about raising children, this topic will most likely be negotiable.
Israelis have a great sense of humor
In a country where war lasts since its independence, what else could keep people afloat? Should you be lucky to get to know a couple of Israeli women dating, you’ll notice how jolly and easy-going they are. These people joke about everything, and never worry — the jokes are always good. If for some reason, you don’t get their sense of humor, think again — maybe the joke is on you. Kidding.
Israeli girls are incredibly beautiful
And, as if all the astonishing features above were not enough to make Israeli brides for marriage some of the best matches in the world, there is also their amazing beauty. A quick disclaimer: you probably imagine an Orient beauty with olive skin, dark eyes and an aquiline nose — and you’re not exactly wrong. Still, this is not your only option. Centuries ago, when Israelis had to leave their country, they moved in three major directions: North-East Europe (that’s the type we just described), Western Europe (mostly modern Spain, so these girls will have a Latin touch to them) and Africa (and these girls will be as ebony as you just thought). And, of course, there is going to be a whole range of genotypes in between these three, so you’ll find not only hot brunettes but also natural blondes and redheads.
Where can you meet Israeli brides?
Ok, so you’re probably convinced by now, and our second question is — where exactly do you meet Israeli brides online (assuming you don’t want to board the first flight to Tel Aviv and try your luck on-site)? The safest and the most effective way, of course, would be to turn to a professional Israeli brides agency and explore your available options safely and without too much effort on your part. But, if you really want your search for a wife to be safe and legal, you should first of all, pick a reputable agency.
What makes a good Israeli brides agency?
First, remember that “Israeli brides for sale” is just a hook. There is no such thing as literally buying a bride— not only because Israel is one of the most well-off countries in the world, but also because human trafficking is illegal everywhere, no matter if the country in question is rich or poor. So, there is no way a reputable agency can offer to sell you a bride. It is, however, a slang phrase presupposing that the website will facilitate your communication with a potential match and that this facilitation will cost you.
Now, about the cost of the services. Since a reputable brides agency does a lot of background work (verifying girls’ identity and marital eligibility, making sure all communication over the site is uninterrupted, providing legal advice, etc.), they do charge for their services. Otherwise, it would not make any sense for the site owners. However, all fees should be simple and transparent.
This means that you should only pay for the services you’re using. If you are sending emails, you’re paying for the number of letters you’ve sent. If you are chatting, you’re sent a bill for every minute of chat. Should you decide to send your special lady a gift, you will be charged for the present you choose and the delivery.
NOTE: most international marriage agencies these days do not charge a monthly membership fee, and they never charge any registration fees.
Finally — and most importantly — a solid Israeli brides agency should offer you any help you need if (or when) you decide to meet your match in person. This includes helping you plan your trip, book a hotel or an apartment, and provide an interpreter whenever necessary.
Speaking of interpreters, most reputable websites offer you translator’s assistance at no additional cost — even as you chat or exchange emails on the website. This feature, however, is usually unnecessary with brides from Israel, as most of them are fluent in English. So, no need to worry about a third person eves-dropping on your private conversations.
How do you charm hot Israeli brides?

Now — the most important question — how do you court a woman as gorgeous and independent as that? Sure, love is not an exact science, but some pointers tend to work with hot Israeli brides:
- Appeal to her humorous nature: the surest way to get the lady’s attention is to make her laugh, and this is especially true for sexy Israeli women. As we already mentioned, these girls love a good joke, and if you two start on a humorous note, you can get a long way.
- Show her love and respect: then, of course, Israeli women dating online are here to get husbands, not just to have some fun. So, if you find someone you are genuinely interested in, make sure you show this special lady the respect she deserves. She values her own time, personality, and habits — so make sure you do the same.
- Get adventurous: who doesn’t love an adventure? Girls from Israel always do. Sure, you do not necessarily have to go parachute jumping on your first date, but a trip to some exotic location, like India or Latin America, can help you two bond. If by now you worry about the expenses, remember that Israeli brides are very independent and come from a stable economy, so you will only have to pay for yourself.
Show interest in her country: still, the surest way to any girl’s heart is to show interest in her culture and traditions. And trust us — this culture does deserve your attention. Learn a couple of words in Hebrew, ask her about Israeli holidays and places of interest, dig a little deeper into the history — and as your girl shares real stories about her nation’s traditions, you will be discovering a new, exciting world you could never have imagined!