It is very easy to register and get an online hookup, along with browsing through thousands of porn photos and videoXhookups review

You’re never too busy for great sex life. That what this site’s motto is. And we can’t disagree with it – as, according to latest studies, people of the Western world on the verge of the 2020s have lesser sex that they used to 50 or 40 years ago, work more and harder and obtain less non-sexual satisfaction in life (which is compensated by food, smoking & drinking). Also, there are fewer drugs in our lives. So, it means, there are no sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll anymore. That’s a poor statistic, which not everyone agrees to tolerate. Especially the people who have started the site xhookups.
What this is about? It’s about the ease of hookup, which should be naturally inherent to people – at least, the humankind shall not forget that it is still possible online – on the sites where people register to hook somebody up.
So what xhookups offers?
Review of the interface of xhookups
In the starting page, you see such areas:
- The join option (“Join Now!”)
- Home
- Browse
- Hookup: search all, casual sex, threesomes, swingers, and cybersex
- Dating forums: AFF dating blog, AFF communities, erotic stories, magazine, and member blogs
- Live Chat: Live Model Shows, Member Chat
- Help.
In the footer, there is the site menu with obligatory information like Privacy Policy and so on. There are also links to corporate users, for those wanting to build careers with this site or affiliates, an opportunity for webmasters to earn money, and sitemap.
In the center, you are prompted to register – in order to receive all opportunities that this site has prepared for ya.
Member structure
It is possible to find members of all ages and social positions on this site, from young to old. And the average response rate based on pieces of xhookups review and what we have personally experienced is over 50% (ladies have replied over half of the letters that we sent to them).
The site was launched in April 2012 and in about a year from that point, it has reached the quantity of 1.2 million users globally. The figures are differing since then, as someone mentions 30 million users at the date, while others tell about 82 million. The site itself reveals such numbers (as of early November 2019):
- 97,882,746 registered members
- 88,000+ new pictures this week
- over 71,000 members are online at a given point of time
- 443 members are in the live broadcast.
It is understood that numbers may change depending on the day and time of the day (and through the timeline as well).
Based on the fact that around 90,000 people are online on an average day (with quite bigger amount during evening ‘hot’ hours), and that about a hundred thousand pics are added every week (compared to many millions of images added every day on Facebook, for instance), we can name this site a quite populous and active.
Upon its occurrence on the Internet, it had a different point – the essence was to make singles easily meet other singles to have a sexual hookup without obligations. It was like a sex-dating site. Now, over 7 years after its origination, this site has a bigger inclination to porn, which members of it post inside of the newsfeed. Nearly every post is pornographic there. If you switch off the ‘porn’ function in your newsfeed, you are unlikely to see more than 10 posts during a day.
But it is still for dating and hookups – though, everything seems more explicit now. We can’t tell how it was back in 2012 but in 2019, it is more like arranging porn meetings amongst members – which is already slightly over than just regular sexual hookup. Young users and adorers of high sexual explicitness will like such an attitude but it is not for everyone.
Based on what is seen by our eyes in the newsfeed and what we see on the site search of users, it feels like the biggest share of the active population of the site is young-aged, below 35 years.
Signing up
Start with defining the basic information: who you are and whom you are searching for. The options include:
- Men
- Women
- Couples consisting of different genders
You can be one of those and you can look anyone of those. Start the registration sequence by hitting the “Hook Up Now!” button.
The registration process is made of 5 steps.
- Here, you enter your primary data. On the left, throughout the entire registration process, you will be accompanied by erotic videos of men or women (depending on the preferences indicated by you) who are going to caress selves and will appear in different degrees of nudity. At this stage, the system also tells you how many registered users are in your country (based on automatically defined geolocation – but the country of your primary residence (and searches for hookups) can be changed by you at second registration stage).
- Here, you have to input your birthday (MM/DD/YYYY), country, state (if applicable), and the closest city. Everything is chosen from the dropdown lists (to make it simpler for you and to save time).
- Now, it is time to enter your login (the system automatically checks whether it is accessible and offers you alternatives if not), a valid e-mail address (which is going to be checked by sending there a verification e-mail), and a password, which is going to be used to enter the site. If you’re attentive enough, you see that by this stage, the explicitness of videos rises up at times, so what has been previously only hinted at, now is shown so fully and in so details that it is possible to watch for hours – if you’re satisfied with just watching.
- At this stage, you have to define:
- Your sexual orientation
- Body type
- Race
- Marital status.
You can leave all those questions without answers if you don’t want to disclose any of those. That is up to you, there are no obligatorily fields.
- This is the final stage, where you fulfill:
- Introduction title (it should be over 10 characters in length and not contain personal contact data)
- Information about yourself (a short description), which will be accessible to everyone who’s gonna view your profile in a short or full form
- You press the big blue button in the bottom and the system registers your account and drops you to the finishing page, saying that now you should check the incoming mail in your mailbox.

What’s inside the profile
When you enter the password and login, you get access to your profile, which looks somewhat like a profile of social networks, only with a huge bias into the sexual side of the human essence.
In the middle of the page, it’s a newsfeed, which you can scroll through to see what’s new. Inside of it, you see which member of the site received likes and comments for what pictures/videos. You instantly may play and open them if you have proper access. Close to each video and post, you can see the person’s profile’s link, location (with the counted proximity to you in miles), age and sex.
On the right, there is a window with live models, who would like to show you their pussies, asses, boobs, and the process of playing with those – just click and go for it. Below, there is a community feed – with erotic stories, contests, member blogs, member groups, a member magazine, polls, and “member bling”.
On the left side, you see the 90-days stats about you: whom you viewed, liked, sent messages, gifts, tips, and testimonials. The same will be for you: who watched your profile, gave you a gift, added to favorites, flirted with you, and so on – there is a long list of actions and information you can see there (16 points).
Also, if you haven’t upgraded yet, the system reminds you of what opportunities the gold members receive:
- Get more actions to be done
- Can contact anyone and view anyone’s profile for free (not being sent each time to a payment page)
- Have all access to videos and photos that they want.
New activities in your newsfeed are updated automatically when you enter the site but they do not do so when you’re in it. So, should you want to see what’s new – just go back to the top of the newsfeed and press the “Refresh” button.
On top of your profile, you will see how many real users are nude-broadcasting right now, the same as how many professional models do the same at this very time. You can also search for more members based on your preferences and open their profiles. Also, you can edit your newsfeed by filtering what you’d like to see:
- Nudity
- No nudity
- Some nudity.
Bear in mind, however, as this is the sex site for adults, filtering “No nudity” may result in small to no newsfeed.
On top of your personal area, you can go to a homepage, read the incoming correspondence and reply to it, see the chats with other users, and manage your notifications (on/off). Also, the found profiles on top can be seen for €2.95 each – if you do not have a premium account.
Making contact
To make a contact, you have to sign up and fulfill the obligatory fields, which the system is going to ask you to. With a free profile, there are not too many actions to perform – just several, like finding people in the search, viewing some newsfeed (limited to a dozen or two dozen posts at a time), seeing the chat messages that other people are sending you, and fulfill your profile. However, much more is going to be opened to you if you pay for having a premium account – you can talk to other users through chats and letters, interact with them through a webcam, upload your own pictures to the newsfeed, and get a response to them, being able to respond in return. You can also see the live nude cams of other people and pay them for sexier interaction with you.
To make your contact faster, you can start chatting to only those people who are currently online (there is a mark in a profile to highlight it) – to reduce the time to possible hookup. If you don’t like to contact people immediately, you may do a number of other actions:
- read the other people’s blogs and sex stories
- watch the sex cams online (which are streamed by the real users for the real you)
- explore the site’s newsfeed (which is updated pretty vastly if you are a subscribed member), go to dating forums, join the communities, which are gathered by interests, try out its magazine, and do other no less exciting actions.
Profile quality
For our xhookups review, we have estimated some random people on the site to see how far they go in the fulfillment of their profiles. We have taken some of those from the newsfeed, from the highlighted users, from ones that stream videos, and just based on several search results. Totally, we have looked through 35 profiles. It turned out that the average profile is filled approximately at 80%-85%. So, it is enough to get started with this amount of data – for various types of activity on the site. If to look at the technical (source) code of the site, it becomes clear that extensive data set is stored about each user – 155 fields of data are gathered in total about each user. Some of them are defined automatically based on the previously entered data.
We guesstimate that maybe, there are different demands for profiles of different kinds of users. For instance, if you are a professional model who makes a live chat, you don’t need to fill in all those fields, which are destined for those, who want to find a hookup – as you may simply not be interested in this.
Also, there are more than three options of a hookup:
- men seek for women
- women seek for men
- men seek for men
- women seek for women
- differently-assembled couples are looking for differently assembled couples
Such a vast choice opens all doors to express your sexuality.
The app of xhookups
There is no legitimate app for xhookups. It is not found on iTunes or Play Market. The same, there are no links to it on the site itself. However, you can use the mobile-optimized version of the site from your phone. It delivers nearly the same user experience, though it would be lovely if it was traffic-optimal, as the source code needs purification and reconsideration.
Real-life review
Travis Donaldson from Idaho says own experience about xhookups:
‘I have been using this site for 1 and a half years. I don’t know about other users of it but I have a lot of free time, as I do not have to work from 9 to 5 intensely – my work isn’t such, which demands my attention every second or every minute. So I can be free the biggest share of time during working hours. On my tablet, I can spend time on the site, communicating a lot to other people and looking for my hookup. I am still a sexually active person and the very existence of such a site is bliss for me, as I don’t have to be tied to any person with long-lasting serious relations just to have sex with some pussy. And this is also a much better choice than visiting whores, as they are expensive, after all, much more expensive than a premium subscription to this website.
I was not too active during the first month but then, I reviewed my profile and, after I have fulfilled it to the most completion with attention, I started to receive a great number of answers from women. Eventually, I initiated over 500 chats and over 300 times, there were answers. I went to over 50 dates (in 10 times, ladies didn’t come but it’s just something, to which you have to get used), and I got more or less wonderful time in 30 cases. 25 ended with sex on the first date – this is more than I could expect! And this all happened during only 6 months after I have pointed more attention to my profile’s fulfillment. So, it’s like 1 sex in 7.2 days on average – this is far more than a decent result, as for me, if to consider that I didn’t even pay for all dates in a restaurant. Certainly, with time, the success rate of screwing per 1 first date rose – as I gained experience, but this is something that each person has to learn oneself, not anything that is connected to the site’s functionality.
If to rate my personal experience of the site use – it is 9 out of 10!’
Design and usability
The design is neat but, frankly, a little bit fewer elements are desirable in the general design. If to look at the main user page, it feels like creators wanted to make everything fitted at one page, not resorting to the possibility to move some elements to menus on top or at the sides. That is the only visible drawback, which we would like to highlight.
As for the rest – the interface is comprehensible and not overwhelming. The search is neatly arranged, as well as the search results. When you browse profiles of people, the information is structured in neatly subdivided blocks and nothing superfluous is given.
Costs and prices
To make your registration complete, you have to go to the inbox and find a letter from xhookups. If it’s not there shortly after the registration, please check the spam folder and un-tick the mark denoting that this is a spam correspondence (as you do want to receive interesting offers from your new sex adventure site, don’t you?).
Upon verification, you will be offered to pay for the premium account.
You can stick with the unpaid one but this won’t allow you to open other accounts, see their pictures, videos, or chat with them, as well as doing some other valuable actions. There is some small amount of premium users, who allow everyone to come and see what’s inside, but their number is so limited that you will organically want to do more in a short while.
So, what premium account gives is we know now. But how to get one? To obtain it, you have such options:
- Pay with your bank card (Visa, Discover, MasterCard, JCB, and others)
- Pay with mail/fax orders.
In both cases, you will have to indicate the following:
- Card number
- Cardholder’s name (as said on the card)
- Expiration date (MM/YY)
- Billing address (Address 1 and/or 2, City, Country, State, Postal Code).
In addition to entering information, you can print it.
To make sure you’re getting premium access, you have to pay:
- €19.95 for 1 month
- €38.85 for 3 months (or -35% off the price of the 1-month subscription, which in this option will cost ya only €12.95 for 1 month).
- In order to make your profile accessible to everyone, not just the same premium subscribers as you are, you can make it open for every user of the site for €32.82 for 3 months or go with smaller, for €17.95 for 1 month. By default, this option is not turned on – so to save your money.
So is this site expensive or cheap? Based on what we studied and what the competitor sites (alt.com, outpersonals.com, nostringsattached.com) offer, xhookups is average.
Special features
What is so special about xhookups that makes it stand out from the crowd?
- It is possible to hook up much more than just ‘boring’ man + woman. The site includes vast options for couples, gays, various types of trans people, as well as interesting options of threesomes, and even cybersex – to cater to everyone’s possible needs.
- You can join several options of Dating Forums, which include such things as different communities by interests, user blogs and a blog of a site itself, erotic stories (professionally or amatory written), and magazine. These are good enough for you if you are here not to hook up (at least, not immediately after the registration).
- In addition to hooking up with people, which this site is designed for initially, there is a possibility to see live chats – of users and of professional models. These options are paid and in order to see more than submitted on the initial page of live chats and to view any chat of the mentioned ones, you need to register (as there is no possibility to view for free).
Our rating
The general rating that we give this site is 4 stars out of 5.
We have deducted 1 star for the impossibility of test interaction with the site if you are not a registered user. Also, if you do not pay, nothing pretty much is available to you inside of it even after the registration. Although many other sites in the world (we are not saying about dating sites specifically) allow you to have some test period, like 7 or 14 days, for example, nothing like this is here. Also, this site very much looks like porn site today unless you do not tick the mark in your setting that you do not want to see porn – and the users, who are coming here to find a quick sex hookup may be frustrated about it.
Also, we bear in mind that there is no mobile app – so cutting off so many mobile users is not a favorable decision of site owners.
But the rest of our rating is for:
- Huge database in general and a not less huge amount of people online at any given point in time
- Simplicity of registration and replenishing your account
- Vast number of actions, which are you allowed to do on the site in addition to just having a hookup.
Editorial conclusion
This site is not the simplest in design and usability. But there is nothing better for a quick hookup than visiting xhookups and start searching for the people who want pretty much the same as you do. It was proven by users in their reviews and testimonials that they have been to real-life dates arranged using this site. So, whether you are here to entertain yourself via erotic/porn webcams of other users or to get a hookup, you’ll be delighted about both outcomes.
As you can see, it is very easy and fruitful to register and get an online hookup, along with browsing through thousands of porn photos and videos. You should try it too – together with xhookups!