Mongolian brides: more beautiful than you ever expected
Unless you’re an expert in Asian history or geography, your knowledge of Mongolia and its women is probably limited. Perhaps you imagine Mongolian women to be female versions of the famous Mongol conquerors that stormed Asia and Europe in the 13th century and caused havoc. Well, you’re right about one thing – Mongolian women are just as strong mentally and physically as their famous ancestors. Most of them are not herders or shepherds these days and wear modern clothes instead of the traditional gowns.
Nevertheless, the genes of the nation that once ruled a vast part of the world are still very much alive and active. To survive centuries in an inhospitable landscape and harsh climate with freezing cold winters, Mongolian people needed to harden up and become remarkably resilient. Add to that the 70 years of socialist rule in recent history, and you will have a nation of highly adaptable, tough people ready for anything. Adventure and risk-taking are a part of their culture as they never shy away from a challenge. Marrying a foreign man is no exception to that rule.
Mongolian marriage customs: the basics
As Mongolians had a predominantly nomadic lifestyle for ages, living in tribes of herders, marriages were usually arranged between men and women from nearby herding groups. This had a set of practical reasons, and young people were not given a chance to date before marriage. The tradition is probably still present in some parts of Mongolia, but marriage in Ulaanbaatar, the nation’s capital, is quite similar to that in the Western world. Hot Mongolian brides are free to choose a husband to match their preferences, and they don’t get pressured into marrying someone they hardly know. Perhaps the most significant difference between Mongolian marriage and marriage elsewhere is that divorce is practically nonexistent. It’s not prohibited to get a divorce, but so few people choose to do it that the divorce percentage is tiny.
Possibilities for meeting Mongolian brides

One way to meet Mongolian brides for marriage is to travel to Ulaanbaatar and cruise the local bars in search of single women willing to date foreign men. It’s not a bad option if you don’t mind the travel. You should try to avoid going there in winter unless you’re a big fan of freezing cold weather since Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital of the world. Don’t even consider venturing into the countryside and trying to find a bride from the rural areas. Your chances of being successful at that are minuscule, so you’d better stick to the well-charted territory.
American men who visited the Mongolian capital report of nightclubs full of hot Mongolian women who outnumber men significantly. This is not because there’s a predominance of women in the Mongolian society, but merely because women are usually not charged entrance fees to these clubs. Living in a relatively low-income country, Mongolian men cannot afford to spend a lot of money on going out and partying. So, the odds of you meeting a lovely single Mongolian woman in a local bar or club are pretty high.
Another possibility to get introduced to the best Mongolian brides is to take a trip to Singapore since daughters of wealthy Mongolian men often go there to study. Far from their homeland, they are more relaxed and more open to communication with foreigners. Spending a few hassle-free evenings in Singapore’s nightclubs with them will allow you to experience their way of having fun. An experience like this will give you a clearer idea of what sexy Mongolian women are really like.
Although you might like your chances of getting in contact with a Mongolian beauty in person, it’s much easier to do it online. Relaxing with your computer or smartphone in your living room, – you can browse the photo gallery of a marriage site that offers Mongolian mail order brides. Aside from the apparent convenience, it’s also practical communication-wise. The women who place personal ads on dating portals usually speak at least basic English which is not guaranteed with women you meet in bars. After you establish contact via the internet and spend at least a couple of weeks getting to know each other online, you can travel to meet her in her hometown. At that time you would have already made sure that she fits your requirements and is willing to marry abroad.
Do Mongolian women like foreign men?
The answer will depend on the country from which these foreigners come. If you’re an American, European or Australian, you’re in the clear. The only men Mongolian ladies would immediately refuse are Chinese, which is due to the history of Chinese colonization of Mongolia. The resentment felt toward Chinese men is still very strong and you will hardly find any Mongolian women dating them. Even if there were young ladies who are tolerant and not so hung up on history, their families would never consent to their marriage with Chinese men. As for the rest of the world, Mongolia has never had significant conflicts with any Western country, so there are no hard feelings towards men coming from the West. To the contrary – they are welcomed and considered quite a good catch regarding dating and marriage.
What type of person is a Mongolian mail order bride?
Mongolian women come in all shapes and sizes just as women from other parts of the world. What makes them slightly different is their mental stability, strong will, and endurance developed through centuries of hard life in an unforgiving environment. Despite that, they are just as feminine and caring as women everywhere, and even have an equal interest in fashion, albeit a somewhat peculiar one to an outsider. What they wear is a mixture of traditional Mongolian female outfit and modern urban-style clothing with bright colors and natural fabric.
A beautiful Mongolian woman is bound to stand out in a crowd for looking exotic and extravagant. But underneath fashionable apparel is a simple girl eager to find a man to love and share her life with. This is actually all you have to remember when choosing to focus your attention on Mongolian brides online. However different they might appear from the women you are used to dating, they are, in their essence, romantic souls looking for passion and affection. Since it’s customary for Mongolian women to marry young, they are most likely to be in their 20s or early 30s when they start online dating. Although quite young they are more mature than their American counterparts.
In Mongolia, neither boys nor girls get babied for too long. Mongolian parents do not believe in overprotecting their children. Instead, they teach them how to do house chores at an early age or tend to the livestock if they live in the country. When they reach the legal age to get married, they are ready to live independently from their families of origin. In Mongolia, the new couple would traditionally live with the groom’s family, but even this is beginning to change with an increasing number of young families living as autonomous units.
Summary: what you need to know before dating Mongolian brides

The Mongolian mail order bride business is just starting to develop and still has plenty of catching up to do with other, more established mail order bride practices. Men looking for Asian wives would more often go for Thai brides or those from the Philippines. Nowadays, one hears more and more stories from men who embarked on a life journey with a Mongolian bride and found true happiness. Their adventurous spirits outweighed their natural fear of the unknown, and it was well worth it.
Real joy awaits those who dare and taking that daring step of contacting a Mongolian brides agency. To your disbelief, you will be faced with countless girls’ profiles to choose from. Whether you like a tall, well-built woman or a petite and delicate thing, you will be able to find a person to your liking. Most dating websites will allow you to enter up to 10 or 20 features as filters while searching their database. This increases your chances of coming across the woman who suits you best. Mongolian women come from a country that has a relatively poor living standard which still doesn’t make it possible to find Mongolian brides for sale.
A legitimate marriage site will offer you access to their photo-gallery and girls’ personal profiles at a reasonable cost. You are not supposed to send any money to women you date online, and if you encounter such a request, it probably means you’ve stumbled upon a scam. The only things you can offer your online girlfriend are flowers or small gifts which are delivered to them by the site’s partner agency that operates locally. But don’t worry – you’ll have plenty of opportunities to impress your Mongolian bride with gifts once you meet in person or even better when you get married. Being used to a modest lifestyle, she will never expect expensive stuff from her husband, quite the opposite. She’ll probably consider them an extravagant and unnecessary waste of money.
To sum it all up:
- Mongolian women are well worth the trouble of getting to know them and traveling across the world to meet their families.
- Mongolian society is a rather traditional one with families playing a large part in young people’s lives which means that your Mongolian bride will need her parents’ approval in marriage.
- Girls brought up in this cold, inhospitable land are hardy and resilient which makes them capable of affronting any challenges that future life might bring. They will be a great support to you and a formidable companion in life.